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Experiencing animals, living as differing species together in peace, in a beautiful and safe environment, is a very impressive way to open hearts and minds and to promote empathy with animals with no voice of their own.


The project of the heart “Tante Martha” has grown successfully over the last 7 years and has had a profound effect on the well-being of animals in emergency situations. Contact with animals has opened the hearts and eyes of many people and encouraged awareness for other individuals.


The Tante Martha sanctuary is also a meeting place and offers days for supporters, farm tours and topic-specific meetings.


On a small scale and with professional support people who are suffering a crisis in their lives are integrated in the daily work. The “magic” of working with animals has often a positive influence. At the same time the focus remains on animal welfare.





In 2013 we (family Hauswirth) moved with some rescued animals to a former deer farm in Romont in the canton of Bern in order to live in peace with our animals and to offer them an ethical livelihood.


Inspired and motivated by our friend Sister Theresia from the “Felsentor” animal welfare centre, our purchase of the neglected grounds evolved to become a sanctuary for many rescued animal souls.


Step by step and in symbiosis with many helpers, an oasis for rescued animals was created with passion and commitment. In cooperation and with the support of various animal welfare associations, foundations and private individuals, we live animal welfare every day.

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One only sees well with ones heart. The essential is not revealed to ones eyes. 

Who we are

 Tante Martha was founded in 2014 is a non-profit and tax-exempt association.


The association's sanctuary is an oasis for animals and offers a unique opportunity for those interested and sensitized to interact with a variety of animals and to come into contact with them on an equal footing. Tante Martha is neither a place of transit for animals nor a shelter. In order not to disturb the equilibrium among the animals too often, we only take in new animals sporadically.



In certain cases, Tante Martha helps with the placement of animals in need and looks for suitable permanent homes for them.

Chemin du Pierrat 9

2538 Romont/BE

Verein Tante Martha, 2538 Romont BE
Clientis Bank Oberaargau AG
Konto 60.018.357.368.8
IBAN CH29 0645 06001835 7368 8

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© 2020 Tante Martha 

Nahaufnahme eines Black Dog
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